about my session
Law Enforcement and the Stigmas that Prevent Transparency
In the United States, Law Enforcement work shifts that allow for coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. While working those shifts, Officers, Deputies, Agents and Rangers are witnessing a wide range of incidents, from the mundane to the extraordinary.
Those officers don’t speak about those incidents for a variety of reasons as well, some are not too surprising, but others are also quite eye opening.
Our presentation dives into those reasons to help explain the Stigmas that are inhibiting Law Enforcement Officers from coming forward and to provide understanding to overcome those Stigmas to allow transparency.
We will explain the training and requirements to enter a career in Law Enforcement and provide first-hand information about the stigmas affecting officers. We will provide details for a number of cases when officers were able to come forward with their experiences and the fall out, they faced in doing so.
You can read about Marianne and Dave on their own pages. Please click the links below to find out more