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The Havana Effect on UFO Witnesses and What the Government Isn’t Telling Us
The enigma of Havana Syndrome, which lies under the umbrella of AHI’s, is of great interest, since the actor is still unknown, or its identity is highly classified.
Havana Syndrome was first discovered affecting US diplomats and intelligence staff at the former U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba in November 2016. Now, many cases have been found throughout the world. Victims report a painful acoustic sensation from a hitherto unknown source that causes debilitating symptoms of headache, nausea, anxiety, vertigo to name a few. Many staff resign from their positions due to decreased cognitive functioning.
Investigations by the US Intelligence Community Experts Panel, the JASON scientific advisory panel, et al. failed to discover an actor, and how the damage was inflicted, speculating that it could be a form of directed electromagnetic or ionizing energy.
In March 2023, the Washington Post, made the public aware that Havana Syndrome could not be attributed to any foreign adversaries following these extensive intelligence review findings. Researcher, Dr. Gary Nolan observed demyelination plaques in patients who suffered from AHI in MRI scans of the brain.
Who or what is the actor behind Havana Syndrome and why? These are vexing questions that need to be answered. Roger will be postulating a rather disturbing hypothesis of a possible connection between Havana Syndrome and Non-human Intelligence (NHI), and how this may play a role in the battle for UFO transparency.
Dr Roger Stankovic, MUFON’s National Director for Australia & New Zealand, is a former neuroscientist, who completed his doctoral thesis at the University of Sydney in motor neuron disease, and is now a lecturer in human pathology, at the Department of Technical & Further Education, Sydney, Australia.
As a member of the UAP Medical Coalition, Roger is now combining his skills and knowledge in neuropathology, to research the effects of UAP’s on the human central nervous system. Proximity to a UAP can cause physical effects, also known as, ‘Anomalous Health Incidents’ (AHI).